Nominations for Ruling Elders Requested from the Congregation through September 11
Choose from among you those who are full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom… (Acts 6:3) Our church has a talented, intelligent, creative, dedicated group of leaders. I have been deeply gratified and humbled by the opportunity to serve alongside the elders, committee chairs, and staff who serve our congregation. As pastor, it is always a great joy to meet with the Nominating Committee to offer advice as they discern the leading of the Holy Spirit and do their crucial work on behalf of the congregation. The Committee will begin meeting in early September to choose 6 persons to nominate to the congregation for election as Ruling Elders at our Annual Congregational Meeting on October 30. The nominations include 4 elders for a three-year term, 1 elder to complete the remaining two years of an unexpired term, and 1 youth elder for a one-year term. Our Elder Nominating Committee for 2022-2023 ...