Creation Care at FPC: Help Us Build a Garden This Fall!
The LORD God then took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it... -Genesis 2:15
God intends for us to respect and care for Creation. We are interconnected with and dependent on all other living and nonliving things. As we freely receive bounty from the Earth, we are called to nourish the Earth in turn. "Give, and you shall receive" -Luke 6:38.
This year, FPC hopes to form a "Green Team"--a group of you willing to encourage and implement environmentally friendly missions on our church property, in the community, and in our individual homes. The Green Team might head up projects like a) building a community garden, c) planting trees, d) composting organic waste, e) recycling plastics, paper, and metal--etc.
Since we've still got a few more months left in the growing season, one of the first things we could do together is clean out and plant up an area on church property! A few benefits of building a garden...
- Growing organic vegetables for locals
- Soaking up CO2 in the atmosphere
- Teaching our students at the LC and Seasons about food production
- Engaging young adults with Dwell
- Making an ugly spot beautiful!
With a few helping hands and donations of supplies (like bags of compost and fall plant starts), we could easily knock a small garden project out in a day or two. Would you be willing help us get a church garden going this fall? Maybe you'd like to work in the dirt, donate garden supplies, or help us brainstorm on the Green Team. Please express your interest by emailing Hannah Cruse. We'll find something for you to do. ;-)
Garden spots under consideration:
Terraced beds by Runyan and Runyan |
Courtyard between Preschool and neighboring building |
Lawn around air conditioner on the playground |
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