Complete List of Programs and Groups at FPC in 2022 (Come to Rally Day to Learn More!)

FPC is excited to announce all of the programs and announcements available this year! Come to the complimentary breakfast at 9:00 on Rally Day, August 21, to learn more.

Conversations on the Porch at 9:00 on Sundays - Class for adults of all ages about how our faith relates to current day topics, located in the Chapel (Contact David Kanervo)
Friendship Class at 9:00 on Sundays - Women’s Study Group (Contact Jen Griffey or Millie Armstrong)
Brotherhood Class during Worship - Men’s Study Group (Contact Craig Shryver)
Choir - Rehearsal of anthems and hymns for worship every Wednesday and Sunday (Contact Hannah Cruse)
Bell Choir - Rehearsals every Wednesday, led by Carolyn Riggins

Martha’s Circle - Women’s group, meeting monthly on 2nd Tuesdays in the morning (Contact Vicki Wallace)

Night Circle - Presbyterian Women's study group, meeting monthly on 2nd Tuesdays in the evening (Contact Rhonda Banasiak)

Bible Study and Dinner Group - Available to adults at Lynda Basham's house every 4th Sunday from 5:00 to 7:00 pm ***RSVP for dinner

Bible Study Class - Available to all ages on Wednesday mornings in the Library or on Zoom, led by Pastor Greg Glover

Yoga Class - Morning and evening classes available on Tuesdays and Thursdays (Contact Janet Hudson or Kris Foust)

"Dwell" Discussion Group at 11:15 on Sundays - Group for young adults (~20's-40's) to discuss how our faith relates to everyday life, located in the Friendship Room on the 3rd floor (Contact Hannah Cruse)


Nursery at 9:30 on Sundays - Childcare available for infants up to 3 year-olds

Children’s Sunday School at 10:15 - "Building Faith" Group available to PreK through 2nd graders, and "Strengthening Faith" group available to 3rd through 5th graders (Contact Dianne York or Emily Vaughn)

Confirmation Class during Worship - "Confirming Faith" Group available to 6th through 8th graders (Contact Dianne York)

Children’s Music at 9:00 on Sundays - Looking for volunteers to help lead (Contact Hannah Cruse or Dianne York)


Morning Meet Up during Worship - "High School Strong" Group may enjoy the coffee bar before worship and sit in designated seating together in the sanctuary (Contact Dianne York)

Youth Group on Sunday Evenings - Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers meet on Sundays at 4:00 in the AOC (Contact Emily Vaughn or Dianne York)


Supper Club - Adult group meeting monthly

Wednesday Night Family Activities - Something for everyone with dinner and child care!


Service Committee

Loaves & Fishes

Green Team

Legal Clinic

Shower Love

Check the Website for more: 
