Complete List of Programs and Groups at FPC in 2022 (Come to Rally Day to Learn More!)
Conversations on the Porch at 9:00 on Sundays - Class for adults of all ages about how our faith relates to current day topics, located in the Chapel (Contact David Kanervo)
Brotherhood Class during Worship - Men’s Study Group (Contact Craig Shryver)
Choir - Rehearsal of anthems and hymns for worship every Wednesday and Sunday (Contact Hannah Cruse)
Martha’s Circle - Women’s group, meeting monthly on 2nd Tuesdays in the morning (Contact Vicki Wallace)
Night Circle - Presbyterian Women's study group, meeting monthly on 2nd Tuesdays in the evening (Contact Rhonda Banasiak)
Bible Study and Dinner Group - Available to adults at Lynda Basham's house every 4th Sunday from 5:00 to 7:00 pm ***RSVP for dinner
Bible Study Class - Available to all ages on Wednesday mornings in the Library or on Zoom, led by Pastor Greg Glover
Yoga Class - Morning and evening classes available on Tuesdays and Thursdays (Contact Janet Hudson or Kris Foust)
"Dwell" Discussion Group at 11:15 on Sundays - Group for young adults (~20's-40's) to discuss how our faith relates to everyday life, located in the Friendship Room on the 3rd floor (Contact Hannah Cruse)
Nursery at 9:30 on Sundays - Childcare available for infants up to 3 year-olds
Children’s Sunday School at 10:15 - "Building Faith" Group available to PreK through 2nd graders, and "Strengthening Faith" group available to 3rd through 5th graders (Contact Dianne York or Emily Vaughn)
Confirmation Class during Worship - "Confirming Faith" Group available to 6th through 8th graders (Contact Dianne York)
Children’s Music at 9:00 on Sundays - Looking for volunteers to help lead (Contact Hannah Cruse or Dianne York)
Morning Meet Up during Worship - "High School Strong" Group may enjoy the coffee bar before worship and sit in designated seating together in the sanctuary (Contact Dianne York)
Youth Group on Sunday Evenings - Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers meet on Sundays at 4:00 in the AOC (Contact Emily Vaughn or Dianne York)
Supper Club - Adult group meeting monthly
Wednesday Night Family Activities - Something for everyone with dinner and child care!
Service Committee
Loaves & Fishes
Green Team
Legal Clinic
Shower Love
Check the Website for more:
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