Our church has a talented, intelligent, creative, dedicated group of leaders. I have been deeply gratified and humbled by the opportunity to serve alongside the elders, committee chairs, and staff who serve our congregation. As pastor, it is always a great joy to meet with the Nominating Committee to offer advice as they discern the leading of the Holy Spirit and do their crucial work on behalf of the congregation.
The Committee will begin meeting in early September to choose 6 persons to nominate to the congregation for election as Ruling Elders at our Annual Congregational Meeting on October 30. The nominations include 4 elders for a three-year term, 1 elder to complete the remaining two years of an unexpired term, and 1 youth elder for a one-year term.
Our Elder Nominating Committee for 2022-2023 will be chaired by Elder Ken Giles (Session, Class of 2022). Members of the committee also include Elder Hershel Basham (Session, Class of 2023; Chair-elect for 2023-2024), Allister Banasiak (Youth Elder), and at-large members Brandi Goodwin, Ross Hicks, Patty Orr, and Karla Posey.
As we continue to meet the challenges of this era in our history, we continue to need strong leaders to step forward to serve. As candidates come to mind, you are encouraged to submit elder nominating forms by September 11. There will be copies of the nominating form in the bulletins this week. If you cannot make it this Sunday morning, you may pick up forms in the office. Before you submit a name to Ken Giles (or in a sealed envelope to the church office marked “Elder Nomination”) for consideration by the Nominating Committee, please ask the person for permission to submit their name. Candidates do not necessarily have to be elders. We try to select a good mix of those who have never been elders and those who have been elders in the past but aren't still "active." Persons who feel called to serve in this capacity may also nominate themselves. Please pray for the Nominating Committee and pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you the names of people who will make good leaders at this important time.
The Book of Acts identifies two crucial qualities for church leaders: they must be “...full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom.” Our Book of Order says “Elders should be persons of faith, dedication, and good judgment. Their manner of life should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel, both within the church and in the world..” Our own Session has added the following expectations:
- attendance at the election meeting of the congregation on October 30
- orientation with the pastor after worship on the afternoon of November 6
- examination by the Session during the Sunday School hour on December 4
- attendance at Ordination and Installation Sunday, January 8
- participation at all Session meetings, the 3rd Sunday of each month at 6:00 pm, unless excused by the Clerk of Session or the pastor (Session does not meet in June-July or November-December.)
- leadership on one of our committees (Christian Education, Communications, Congregational Care, Fellowship, Finance, Stewardship, Hospitality, Property, Service and Missions, Historic Preservation, Professional Staff, Worship)
- regular worship attendance
- a plan for growing in Biblical knowledge and spiritual insight
- filling out an estimate of giving card on Consecration Sunday
(Note: Unless otherwise specified, required meetings include a Zoom option.)
Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the nominating process. Prayerfully consider saying “yes” to God’s call this year... “Who knows? Perhaps you have been prepared and called for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14)
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Greg
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