
We Offer Childcare and Children's Church Every Sunday

Did you know that we offer Childcare and Children's Church every Sunday at FPC? Infant through Pre-K children can check-in starting at 9:45 at the Playroom on the 2nd floor. Childcare is available through 12 pm so that parents can go to "The Trek" Discussion Group or out to lunch.  Children may also go to Children's Church right after the Children's Moment during 10 am worship. They come back into worship around 10:45.  If you have any questions, please let us know! We want parents and kids to feel welcome and served. 

How to Give Memorial Gifts to the Church

We are grateful for the many gifts that are given every year to honor the memory of those who have influenced our lives for the better.  Gifts made in memory of a loved one are recorded and reported in the church newsletter and recorded permanently on an annual basis in the minutes of the Session. Gifts to the First Presbyterian Church Endowment will be invested by our Investment Advisory Committee and a portion of the earnings from those gifts will be distributed annually into the Memorial Funds of the church.  To make a lasting contribution to the FPC Endowment in memory of a loved one, simply write “FPC Endowment” and the name of the person whose memory is being honored in the memo line of your check.   Example of Memo Line:  FPC Endowment in memory of John Doe A separate endowment was established by Session at the request of Mr. Frank Childers in honor of Rev. George D. Gracey, Jr. in 2004.  To make a lasting contribution to this endowment in memory of Rev. Gracey, simply write “G

The Legacy Gift of Diane Blythe Bowland

      We give thanks to God for the generous bequest of $10,000 to First Presbyterian Church from the estate of Diane Blythe Bowland for the FPC Endowment.  The combined value of the FPC and George Gracey Endowments currently stands at $710,000.  Together they contribute to the ongoing work of FPC with an annual disbursement of earnings.  We look forward to placing a bronze name plate for Diane Bowland alongside that of Liz Thomas, Max Ernst, Frances Powers, Anna Kathryn Atkinson, and many others on the plaque in the narthex: “In Gratitude to those who loved the Church and have provided for the extension of God’s kingdom in their wills.”      The vast majority of legacy gifts are the sort that Diane gave.  They are not fancy annuities or other complicated financial arrangements requiring a professional financial manager; they are simple, old-fashioned gifts made through Wills, simply listing the name of the church and our address and the nature of the gift.  Do you want to make a lasti