The Legacy Gift of Diane Blythe Bowland
We give thanks to God for the generous bequest of $10,000 to First Presbyterian Church from the estate of Diane Blythe Bowland for the FPC Endowment. The combined value of the FPC and George Gracey Endowments currently stands at $710,000. Together they contribute to the ongoing work of FPC with an annual disbursement of earnings. We look forward to placing a bronze name plate for Diane Bowland alongside that of Liz Thomas, Max Ernst, Frances Powers, Anna Kathryn Atkinson, and many others on the plaque in the narthex: “In Gratitude to those who loved the Church and have provided for the extension of God’s kingdom in their wills.”
The vast majority of legacy gifts are the sort that Diane gave. They are not fancy annuities or other complicated financial arrangements requiring a professional financial manager; they are simple, old-fashioned gifts made through Wills, simply listing the name of the church and our address and the nature of the gift. Do you want to make a lasting contribution to the church that grows the Endowment and increases our ability to do mission and service every year? Consider leaving a legacy gift. Working through your attorney in concert with a financial manager is always a wise way to close any gaps that might delay your wishes. Do you want to know more? Contact David Kanervo or another member of our Investment Advisory Committee and watch for workshops on this and related topics.
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