
Green Team and Young Adults Planting for Spring on April 2

During "The Trek" Discussion Group time on April 2 (around 11:15), the young adults will join the Green Team for spring planting in our garden plot across the street from Fellowship Hall. Any and all helpers welcome! Bring veggies, flowers, seeds, starts, whatever you can. Weather forecast looking sunny and pleasant. 

Easter Sunrise Service - Joint Service in the Downtown Commons

Join FPC and Trinity Episcopal in a joint Easter Sunrise Service in the Downtown Commons! We will gather at 6 am on Sunday, April 9. Bring a jacket in case it's chilly and your own chair!  Coffee provided in Fellowship Hall afterwards. 

$1 Coffees through March at the FPC Cafe!

$1 Coffee Special through the end of March! Ask the ladies at the FPC Cafe in Fellowship Hall about this deal. Hungry too? Order some lunch with your coffee!

March Card Shower 2023

Please join in sending cards of warm wishes to Lynette Aiken and Cari Dobbs (surviving wife and daughter of Dan Aiken) as well as Janie and Danny McGregor. For address information, please check Realm or call the church office.

Need Helpers to Fill Eggs for Easter Egg Hunt

We need helpers to donate candy to fill the eggs for our Easter Egg Hunt! This year we are grouping eggs into bags of 50 eggs and would like to have volunteers or groups pick up a bag and stuff the eggs and return them to the church by April 5. 

Art Walk in the Chapel this April Features Cliff Whittaker

April Art Walk will feature photographs from Cliff Whittaker in FPC's Chapel. Art Walk is on Maundy Thursday, April 6th, from 5 to 8 pm. Come to view the show and then join others in Fellowship Hall at 6 pm for worship! 

Music Spotlight: "You Turn My Tears to Dancing" by Hannah Cruse

"You Turn My Tears to Dancing," which will be performed on March 26, is based on Psalm 30 and my personal experience with health struggles over the years. This is a proclamation of praise despite and even because of hardship. Our lowest lows in life can show us the true love of God. The darkest pits of despair reveal a light unimaginably bright and warm. The love of the Father is deeper and more unconditional than we could ever comprehend. We do not need to prove our worth to be worthy of this love. We are worthy because God made us--because God calls each of us by name. I hope this song brings you assurance and peace, as the songwriting process has to me.  - Hannah Cruse  Verse 1 - 2 When I felt secure, I said to my God, "I never will be shaken." Finding beauty was so easy then When You called, when You called my name. Some days I'm caged down in the depths Wailing, "Have I lost Your favor?" Then you lift me for a moment, Lord When You call, when You

Maundy Thursday - A Reflective Service and Congregational Meal

Please join us for Maundy Thursday service on April 6. At 6 pm, we will enjoy a simple meal of soup and homemade breads in the casual setting of our Fellowship Hall and then will worship with acoustic music, prayer, and a short sermon.