"The Gifts of Christmas" December Sermon Series 2024
In Advent we celebrate that Jesus' kingdom has already come while we acknowledge that it has not yet come in fullness. Between the tension of "already" and "not yet," our focus in Advent is often on the "not yet" as we look forward to Christ's return. But as Karl Rahner reminds us ("The Divine Dawning"), Christ could hardly approach any nearer than he did when he "adopted our ordinary little ways so thoroughly that it's almost hard for us to distinguish him from the rest of fallen humanity." After all, he "promised to come, and actually made good on the promise." And still in this season of Advent we pray, "Come, Lord Jesus!" As Rahner says, "It won't really be 'another' coming, because you have never really gone away. ...you have never left us."
Romans 4:16-25, Luke 1:5-25
The Gift of Hope
A Service of Nine Lessons and Carols & Children's Pageant
Romans 5:12-21 and 6:1-14; Luke 1:26-38 and Luke 1:46-56
The Gifts of Love and Joy
Including a Blue Christmas Liturgy of Prayers for Healing and Wholeness
Romans 5:1-11, Luke 2:8-14
The Gift of Peace
Tuesday, December 24, Christmas Eve (6:00 pm)
Romans 8:14-17; Luke 2:1-7, 8-20
The Gift of Jesus
December 29, First Sunday after Christmas
Romans 6:15-23, Luke 2:41-52
The Results of the Gifts
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