Committee Spotlights: Service and Missions, Christian Education, and the Education Board

At our Session meetings each month, different committees report to the Session about what they accomplished the previous year and some goals for the upcoming year.  We also share our areas of greatest need.  Here are the latest committees to report!

Service and Missions Committee

Here are some of the activities we are involved in:

-Minute for Missions: We schedule these to let the congregation know how our resources are being used for God’s work.

-Service/Irene Center for Hope: We have been making appointments to help people with utility bills, transportation, medication, and a place to stay during extreme temperatures.

-Food Baskets: We fill boxes of food for families from Liberty Elementary School and the Crisis Hotline.

-Haiti: We continue our support with teacher’s salaries and support for Cindy Correll who helps coordinate the Haiti Mission.

-Rwanda: We have been working with a hospital in Rwanda to supply meals for the patients.

-FUEL: We help provide food for 20 students a week at Liberty Elementary School to take home on the weekends when school is not in session.

-Project Transformation: We help read to children during the week and supply funding for salaries of the young adult employees.

-Liberty Elementary School: We provide support for their behavior program in addition to monetary donations, volunteers, and snacks during TCAP testing.

-We are also responsible for collecting Special offerings throughout the year.

If you would like to volunteer for any of these activities, please contact Sara Little or call the church office.

Christian Education

-This Past Year: The committee began midweek communication with families of children and youth through text messaging and email. The Faith Focus program continued and took on the FUEL bag initiative with the children and youth. The age range for the youth group was broadened to include 4th and 5th grade students.  Vacation Bible School was a success!

-Upcoming Goals Include: Returning to a Sunday school “hour” after the 10:00 am service. There are plans to expand the curricular offerings from toddlers to youth to enhance the learning and development of faith. The committee would also like to provide opportunities for youth without a financial impact.

If you are interested in volunteering by teaching a Sunday school class or helping with VBS, please contact Emily Vaughn.


-Seasons is up to 4 staff members now and operates Monday–Thursday from 92 each week. A retired CMCSS bus driver drives for field trips two days a week.  The program is currently working to become an insurance service provider.  

If you are interested in volunteering your time to help with an activity, please contact Ann Waddle.

Learning Center/Preschool/Education Board

-The preschool is licensed in Tennessee with a goal of being nationally accredited.

-The Learning Center is homeschool based.

-The number of students and retention remains steady, and efforts continue to increase enrollment in a program focused on arts integration.

-Last year, with a structured Literacy Program having been implemented, all students leaving Kindergarten were able to read.
