Committee Spotlight: Missions and Service

At our Session meetings each month, different committees report to the Session about what they accomplished the previous year and some goals for the upcoming year. We also share our areas of greatest need. Each month, we are going to highlight those committees so that the congregation will know what our committees are up to! 

Missions and Service Committee
Activities this committee participates in:
  • Minute for Missions to inform the congregation on how our resources are being used for God’s work.
  • Food Baskets at Christmas time: Names are received from Liberty Elementary and the Crisis Hotline.
  • Support of Haiti: We help with teacher’s salaries and support Cindy Correll who helps coordinate the Haiti Mission.
  • Support of Rwanda: We help provide meals for hospital patients.
  • FUEL: We provide 20 bags every week to children at Liberty Elementary who have food challenges outside of school so they can have snacks on the weekends.
  • Project Transformation: We help monetarily, have volunteers to read to the children, and supply dinners to the college interns.
  • Liberty Elementary: We help with their behavior programs, either monetarily or with volunteers. We have also provided snacks during TCAP.
  • Special Offerings: 4 per year including One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost Offering, Peace & Global Witness Offering, and Christmas Joy Offering.
  • Special Items: We support special items such as tornado relief.
  • Service/Irene Center for Hope: We are still helping with utility bills, transportation, medication, and a place to stay during extreme temperatures. Most of the Service Committee’s funding comes from grants through the Irene Center for Hope or from parking lot revenue. Donations to the Irene Center for Hope are always welcomed. If you are interested in this committee, please contact Sara Little or the church office.
