ArtsConnect Showing "Inshallah A Boy" at Cinema Night in March

Watch and discuss "Inshallah a Boy" at Cinema Night on Thursday, March 28 at 7:30 p.m. Come to the Chapel at 213 Main St. FREE TICKETS HERE!

After the sudden death of her husband, Nawal is struggling to cope with the upheaval in her life. However, her pain is soon compounded by the possibility of losing her home to her brother-in-law. Desperate to keep her home and provide a stable life for her daughter, Nawal resorts to deception by faking a pregnancy. But as time passes, the lie becomes harder to sustain and Nawal faces a difficult choice. With only three weeks to find a solution, Nawal embarks on a journey that challenges her fears, beliefs, and morality, as she fights to secure her rightful inheritance and protect her daughter’s future. 

Runtime 1h 53m 
Released 2023
