Welcome Beverly Parker as Chapel Artist for July Art Walk

Welcome Beverly Parker as our Chapel artist for Thursday Art Walk on July 6 from 5 to 8 pm. This exhibit is all about native flowers!

To be out in the fresh air and stumbling across a flower you’ve never seen before is exhilarating, and this pleasure is FREE! The flowers Beverly has selected for this exhibit are not the familiar wildflowers most people are accustomed to seeing locally. Hopefully when you see these, you’ll start to pay attention to them more in the wild. 

These flowers all have something in common–they were and are used by Native Americans for medicinal purposes. The possible applications are endless: toothache, fever, rheumatism, foot pain, snake bites, open wounds, sore throat, stomach pain, coughs, colds, worms, typhoid, swelling, sore eyes, skin problems, chills, and bleeding.

Many of these flowers are also attractors of pollinator insects. Milkweed, for example, is one of the best attractors of monarch butterflies, which lay eggs on the plant. The emerging caterpillars feed on the larvae. Wild petunia, monarda (bee balm), purple coneflower, cardinal flower, and devil’s darning are all favorites for hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. Pollinators flock to the bright hues and elegantly shaped blossoms of the plants. Come see Beverly's artistic portrayals of these flowers in the FPC chapel during the month of July!
