Easter 2023 Lilies in Memory or in Honor of Loved Ones

Dr. & Mrs. George Ackley, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Watson,
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hiett, Sr.
by Larry & Charene Watson and families

William Banyas
by Pixie McCord Mills

Greer Busbee
by Millie Armstrong

Buddy & Shiela Foust, Scott W. Hedstrom,
Heidi Kathleen Hedstrom & Mitcheal K. Ostlund
by the Foust, Hedstrom & Neuman families

Karen Goggin & Liz Thomas
by Mark, Rhonda, & Allister Banasiak

Tom Graves, Lowell & Ruth Graves, Charles & Louise Murray
by Charlotte Graves & family

Aubrey and Cindy C. Harvey
by the Harvey family

Jack & Edith Hudson
by all of their children

Loretta Mattade
by Pixie McCord Mills, Lori Jordan & Ryan McCord

Dr. & Mrs. Harry McLeod and William L. McLeod
by Linda Knox, Larry & Cathey Travis, &Allison McLeod

Jerry Mealer
by Robin L. Mealer, Brandi, Dave & Aiden, Jerry Jr., Ben & Maya

Edgar & Sara Frances Mills
by Sam Mills & Martha M. Richardson

Judi Banks Moore
by Carolyn Riggins

James Pedigo
by Vickie Duncan

Dr. & Mrs. Richard Carl Pryor, Nancy Pryor,
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Thomas, & Henry Ian Thomson
by Matt, Kelly, and Sasha Dye

Marie Rix & Jewel Whelchel
by Beth Glover & family

Billy R. Smith
by Elaine Smith, Lesa & David Goder, Wendy & Joe Weis,
Matthew Goder and Megan Goder

Hart Thomas Vaughn, Richard Nuckolls, & Jeff Nuckolls
by Emily & Eli Vaughn

Lilies in Honor of: 

Nicholas, Christopher, & William Cox
by Paul Cox
