Liberty Elementary Needs Book Swap Volunteers

Liberty Elementary needs volunteers on Friday, February 17 for their book swap!

From librarian Melinda Riggins:

"We will have a book swap from 9:00-12:00 in the front lobby.  We will already have tables set up with the books on them.  Depending on how many books are donated, we may have enough for each student in the school to receive a gently used book. If that’s the case, sometime between 9:00-12:00, teachers will bring their class to “shop” for ONE book for each student. If we do not have enough for every student, the students that bring a book to swap will be given a ticket and their teachers will send them up sometime between 9:00-12:00. The volunteer would just take their ticket and allow them to choose one book and then go back to class. We need just 2 or 3 of your members at most! The snow make-up day for this will be Friday, February 24."
If you would like to help Melinda, please contact the FPC office by calling 
(931) 645-6551 or emailing
