A Service of Lessons and Carols (in Renaissance Style) and Dinner on Dec. 11

Join us for a service of Lessons and Carols, where we watch and wait for the birth of Christ, on Sunday, Dec. 11 at 4:00 p.m. The choir, with guest singers and instrumentalists, will present Renaissance music from the early Reformed church. Invite friends and family! 

Dinner will follow in the Fellowship Hall. Ham, turkey, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn casserole, rolls and drinks will be provided. The rest will be covered dishes. If your last name begins with: A-L please bring a dessert (10-12 servings), M-Q please bring a salad (10-12 servings), R-Z please bring a vegetable dish (10-12 servings). Dishes may be dropped off on the kitchen serving window or placed in the refrigerator before worship. Please bring pies, cakes, gelatin salads, etc. ALREADY CUT. Put your name on EVERY item you bring (lids, casserole dishes, serving spoons, etc.) because folks frequently have identical bake ware, etc.
