Join Us for 30 Days of Prayer and Thanksgiving this November!


Join us for 30 Days of Prayer and Thanksgiving this November!

One of the most powerful resources we have in life is gratitude.  When we live out the dynamic combination of prayer and gratitude, it unlocks faith and inspires hope that God is at work in our world.  We notice God’s grace everywhere, our anxieties melt away, and fear vanishes.  People who can give thanks even at times of loss and amid trials discover the peace and vitality that only God can give.

2022 Path to Thankful Living

1. Every day in November, starting on All Saints Day (the 1st), find a new passage of Scripture and corresponding prayer prompt, both on our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as in the 30 Days of Prayer and Thanksgiving booklet, which you may pick up for free on the table in the narthex. You are encouraged to spend about 10 minutes a day in thankful prayer and contemplation of these passages.

2. Attend worship during the month of November to hear uplifting, inspirational testimonies from fellow church members about Grateful Living.

3. Attend the Thanksgiving Lunch provided by our Fellowship Committee after worship on November 20! We will conclude lunch with a moving Thanksgiving slideshow of all the things for which we are giving thanks to God in 2022. (You may contribute to that slideshow by sending a photo with a brief explanation to RSVP for the lunch by email or phone.

A Word about our Theology of Stewardship

We believe deeply in the Reformation notion that the most faithful response a person can make to God is gratitude.  We grow spiritually through living gratefully in relationship to God.  Thankful living includes the grateful consecration of a percentage of our income to God through the church.  On Sunday, November 20, we will offer the congregation the opportunity to offer thanks by dedicating a percentage of the coming year’s income to God with joy and gratitude.

Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic participation in these 30 Days of Prayer and Thanksgiving!
