Summertime Sermon Series 2022: Gospel of Freedom

Reading Galatians is like entering a drama as the curtain is rising on the third act! The high drama is all about FREEDOM!

On Juneteenth we kick off a summertime sermon series on true freedom by reading Paul's Letter to the Galatians. Using J. Louis Martyn's magisterial 600-page commentary on the book, we will enter into the world of the ancient readers of the letter; using Eugene H. Peterson's book, "Traveling Light," we will ask what this letter says to the "unfree" of our day. Peterson, who was writing in the 1980's, says:
 "They were overcome with anxieties in the face of rising inflation. They were pessimistic about the prospects for justice and peace in a world bristling with sophisticated weapons systems and nuclear devices. They were living huddled, worried, defensive lives. I wanted to shout in objection: Don't live this way! You are Christians! Our lives can be a growth into freedom instead of a withdrawal into anxious wariness." 
Do you have a hunger and thirst for the free life? Join us in reading Galatians in the 21st century.

June 19 Galatians 1 Free from this Age
June 26 Galatians 2 Free from Hypocrisy
July 3 Galatians 3 Free from the Past
July 10 Galatians 4 Free from Weakness
July 17 Galatians 5 Free to Love
July 24 Galatians 6 Free to Live 
