Taco Game Night! A Combined Youth and Young Adult Event

This event combines two irresistible things: tacos and games. All the FPC youth and young adults are invited to come play group games and feast on free tacos on Sunday evening, Jan. 16, from 4-6 pm. Located in the AOC building, 215 Foster St.

Maybe you're wondering if you fit in with this crowd... So who are the YOUTH anyway? If you're in middle or high school, this is you. Who are YOUNG ADULTS? Generally, you are a young adult if you are in your 20's or 30's (but don't take this as a hard and fast rule). 

Taco bar provided free of charge by FPC. Bring your favorite group games from home! We will provide Poetry for Neanderthals (really hilarious word game), UNO (a fast-paced card game), Pictionary (teams compete to draw and guess), Jenga (remove blocks without the tower falling), Clue (a mystery board game), and Fill in the Blanks (like Mad Libs for groups). 

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact Hannah Cruse, Dianne York, or Emily Vaughn for more info. 
