Results of Consecration Sunday 2021 Giving -- Thank You!

We are grateful to Will Arrington (Chair of the Stewardship Committee), Lesa Goder, Ross Hicks, Sara Little, Karla Posey, and Denice Williamson for their outstanding leadership of our stewardship efforts this year.  God has abundantly blessed their efforts and you responded from the heart with estimates of giving that reflect the blessings of God in your own lives and families.  As of November 21, 64 giving units (spouses jointly, or single persons) have completed Estimate of Giving Cards for this year.  A total of 28 of these giving units increased their financial commitment above their last year’s amount.  Those 64 giving units who were present in worship to fill out their Estimate of Giving Cards committed a total of $324,676.  Based on last year’s giving records, we can expect to receive $250,000.00 during the coming year from people who have consistent giving patterns during the past twelve months but were not present during worship on Consecration Sunday.  Based on the average total of loose offerings during the past three years, we can expect to receive $7,500 during the coming year from that source.  Church income from non-donor sources such as interest and trusts is approximately $45,000.00.  (This does not include revenue from the Preschool or the FPC Learning Center.)  This gives a grand total of $627,176.44 anticipated income for the next twelve months.  The total income for our general operating budget during the last twelve months was $642,601.  Next year we can expect our operating budget to decrease by $15,425.  This is a 2% decrease in total giving compared to last year.

This “standard report” is an initial estimate that we give each year immediately after our Celebration Luncheon.  We will continue to revise our giving estimates as we receive additional responses from those givers who were not able to attend on Consecration Sunday.  Because of the change in our Fiscal Year (now July 1-June 30), our Finance Committee and Session have plenty of time to make adjustments to the budget prior to Planning Day (March 19).  Final adoption of the church budget takes place in May and is reported in early June.

Once again this year we celebrate those who have increased and maintained their giving so that the work of the church in pursuit of Christ’s mission can be maintained.  Your Session is committed to living within our means, so we will review the current budget for potential adjustments at our meeting in January to make any necessary course corrections.  God continues to surprise us with blessings beyond our ability to forecast.  Trusting in Christ, we will redouble our efforts to become ever more faithful to his call on FPC to be light and salt in downtown Clarksville this year.  I hope you will join me in saying God is good!  All the time!


Pastor Greg 
