Blessing of the Backpacks on August 8

We start the year with a few uncertainties... "Who will be my teacher?" "Will I know anyone in my class?" "Will this grade be easy or hard?" "Will I make new friends?" 

The one thing that is always certain is that we can invite God to travel with us to school each day and ask God to "have our backs"! 

At 10:00 worship this Sunday, August 8, we bring our backpacks forward to ask that God be with us each day and bless this school year as we put forth our best work. Backpacks can be full, or empty and ready for new supplies. Children will come up front with their backpacks during the Children's Moment. Pastor Greg will say a prayer to bless each student and the start of their new school year. 

Students of all ages--we are excited to see you during worship this Sunday and usher you into the new school year with a special blessing!
