
Be Part of One of Our Musical Ensembles this Spring

Consider being a part of one of our ensembles this spring! Regular rehearsals are on Wednesdays (6:30 bells; 7:30 choir) and 9:15 a.m. on Sundays (choir). Please reach out to Hannah Cruse or Carolyn Riggins for more details. We'd love to nurture and be blessed by your gifts!

Our Christmas Eve Offering this Year Supports Community Outreach Ministry

Our offering on Christmas Eve this year will be given evenly to two very important community outreach ministries, the Missions & Service Committee and Loaves & Fishes. We hope that everyone attending will come prepared to give generously in the spirit of Christmas to support those in our community who need help during the coming year. Thank you!

Laugh the Night Away at Game Night, Coming in January!

The next Game Night for all ages is at Paul Cox's home on Monday, January 13. Bring your favorite game or just show up at 7:00!

Enjoy a Second Sunday Lunch Together in January

Join us after worship around 11:15 am on January 12 for Second Sunday Lunch in Fellowship Hall. These monthly meals are always a great time to meet new people or catch up with old friends! Childcare ends after worship so that families can eat together. 

You Can Make a Difference in La Gonave this Year!

La Gonave Haiti Partners is an incredible mission, providing salaries, materials, and medication to 11 communities on the island of La Gonave. Efforts like mobile clinics, schools, clean water, and farm animals in rural areas fuel hope and resilience. This year's fund goal is $75,000. If you would like to contribute to this work, PLEASE DONATE HERE . Thank you so much for being a partner! 

Faith and Fellowship Group Gathering to Eat and Study on December 29

Faith and Fellowship Group will meet on Sunday, December 29, from 1-3 pm at the Basham home. Please contact Lynda if you are interested in joining! We have a meal at 1:00 followed by Bible Study at 2:00. 

FPC Schools Enjoy Christmas Break!

 The Learning Center and Preschool will break from December 18 to January 5. Please check with your teachers for details. Happy holidays!

Volunteer at the Liberty Elementary December Behavior Celebration

The Liberty Elementary Behavior Celebration is next Wednesday, December 18 from 9:00-3:30. They have reached out to FPC for help with refreshments any time during those hours. If you would like to help, please email the office at and we will let Melinda Riggins at the school know. Thanks!