
Youth Group Lunch and Games on September 15

The Youth Group is gearing up to meet for Lunch and Games from 12 to 1:30 p.m. following 11:15 a.m. Sunday School on September 15. All students grades 4-12 are invited to join us for lunch, games and fellowship! 

Cumberland Winds Coming in Hot with the Jazz Project!

The Cumberland Winds invite you to their first Jazz Project concert of the season on Saturday, September 21! The music will start at 7:30 in the sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church. It is free to the public! Grab your seat early as space tends to fill up. 

Open Studio Is Back in Business for September 14

Crafters, painters, artists of all kinds... Come hang out together at Open Studio on September 14 from 3 to 4 pm at Makers' Corner (215 Foster St.)! It's a fun time for socialization, getting feedback on your work, and knocking out projects.

Open Mic Night Returns to Sanctuary on Main September 14

Sanctuary on Main is hosting our ArtsConnect "Open Mic Night" every 2nd Saturday of the month from 7 to 9 pm. The cafe will be open for you to purchase drinks, sandwiches, and baked goods. See you on September 14!

An Update from La Gonave: Growing Corn and Processing Goat


New After-Worship Sunday School Classes for PreK-12 Grade

Every Sunday starting on Sept. 15th, we will offer PK-12 Sunday School classes right after worship until around 11:50 a.m. The "Feasting on the Word" curriculum will guide us to connect Scripture to our daily lives and families. Ms. Emily will be in the hallway by the Library to help everyone find their correct classrooms. Parents are welcome to join The Trek Discussion Group or enjoy a cup of coffee in Fellowship Hall. Nursery is available until noon except on 2nd Sundays. 

Butterfly Release Outing for Young Adults and Families

Just 25 minutes from FPC, the War Memorial Walking Trail in Oak Grove, KY will be releasing over 2000 butterflies on Saturday, September 7. The DWELL group for young adults and families plans to make it an outing. Arrive at 2 pm for food trucks, face painting and other engaging activities, an interactive butterfly house, and the butterfly release at 4 pm. Admission and parking is free. Let Hannah Cruse know you're coming.

Literary Roundtable in September: "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath

Literary Roundtable is one month from start reading! Come and discuss "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath with APSU Prof. Joey Grisham and Pastor Greg on September 22. We will meet in the Library at 5:00.