
Seasons' Adult Day Care Searching for a Monday-Thursday Worker

Seasons' Adult Day Care is currently searching for a worker for Monday-Thursday, 9:00-2:00. If you are interested, please contact Ann Waddle. 

Children and Youth Activities during Faith Focus Every Wednesday

Children are invited to Faith Focus with their families each Wednesday! Dinner starts at 5:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. Then activities for children and youth follow on the fourth floor.  5:00 Dinner 5:30-6:00 PreK-2 Music and Movement                  3rd-5th/MS and HS Group Games 6:00-6:30   PreK-2 Group Games 3rd-5th Music and Movement MS/HS Guided Reflection/Bible Study

Open Studio at Makers' Corner Every 2nd and 4th Saturdays

Join us for Open Studio at Makers' Corner (215 Foster St.) on 2nd and 4th Saturdays. This is a time set aside for people to work on art projects begun in classes or at home. Bring any project you are working on--knitting, painting, etc.--and work in fellowship with others!

Second Sunday Lunch on September 10

Join us for a congregational lunch in Fellowship Hall after worship on Sunday, September 10! The menu is Italian-themed this month. No charge - all are welcome. 

Wednesday Night Faith Focus Is On a Roll: Next on September 6

Our Kickoff last week was amazing! Join us this Wednesday at 5:00 in Fellowship Hall for the next program, including complimentary dinner, Rhonda presenting on "God and Our Evolving Work", children's activities, discussion, testimony, and a "Practicing Our Faith Exercise" for your week. Hear about Rhonda's past as a microbiologist, mom, and now lay pastor and how God is with us as our callings change over time. 

Elder Nominating Has Begun: Seeking Strong, Faithful Leaders

Choose from among you those who are full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom… (Acts 6:3) Our church has a talented, intelligent, creative, dedicated group of leaders. I have been deeply gratified and humbled by the opportunity to serve alongside the  elders , committee chairs, and staff who serve our congregation. As we continue to meet the challenges of this era in our history, we continue to need strong leaders to step forward to serve.  The Elder Nominating Committee will begin meeting in early September to choose 5 persons to  nominate  to the congregation for election as Ruling  Elders  at our Annual Congregational Meeting on October 29. The  nominations  include 4  elders  for a three-year term, and 1 youth  elder  for a one-year term.  Our Elder Nominating  Committee for 2023-2024 will be chaired by Elder Hershel Basham (Session, Class of 2023). Members of the...

New Member Dinner on Friday, September 29, 2023

A special dinner, hosted by Charene Watson, will be held on Friday September 29, at 6:00pm to celebrate our new members! It is for new members, staff, and current Session members. Please RSVP by contacting Charene Watson or the church office.

Presbyterian Women's Groups Starting Back Up for Fall 2023

Our Presbyterian Women Circles are starting up again soon!  During the school year (September - May), we have 2 circles to choose from, each meeting on the 2 nd  Tuesday of the month in the library.  The Martha Circle meets at 12:30, and the Night Circle meets at 7:00.  This year our study is called  Sacred Encounters:  The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts .  If you have questions or are interested in joining one of our groups, contact Rhonda Banasiak.