Summer Sermon Series for 2023-2025: "Isaiah: The Lord Saves"
2023-2025 Summer Sermon Series Isaiah: The Lord Saves Summer 2023: Isaiah 1-39, Prophet of Faith Summer 2024: Isaiah 40-55, Prophet of Hope Summer 2025: Isaiah 56-66, Prophet of Love In no other book of the Bible is God’s wonder and grandeur so clearly displayed; it is no wonder then, that Isaiah is the most often quoted prophet in the New Testament. This book has so shaped the faith and life of the church--our doctrine, liturgy, and practice--that some of the earliest Christians thought of Isaiah as the “Fifth Gospel.” The great preachers and thinkers of the church have always meditated on its message and used it as a special guide for truthfully hearing the Word of God--from Chrysostom to Augustine, and on to Martin Luther and John Calvin. Jerome claimed that Isaiah “should be called an evangelist rather than a prophet because he describes all the mysteries of Christ and the church so clearly that you would think he is composing a history of what has a...