
SpiritFest 2022 - A Great Day for Our Church and Community!

A huge thank you to all who came early to set up, worked the various stations, and returned late to help tear down and get everything back into our church. SpiritFest was a great day and, as in the past, joy and hospitality was extended to our broader community! 

Important Parking Announcement for 2023 - Don't Get Towed!

The county will begin policing the parking lot on 3rd and Main starting on Jan. 1st. If you park Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm, you must display a parking tag (issued from either county or church) AND only park in the spaces closest to Main St., which will be designated as "FPC Only." Otherwise, your car will be towed. We have more members and staff than parking spots, so having a tag does not guarantee you a parking spot. This policy does not apply to Sundays, Saturdays, and evenings. Our white church tags do not expire and will continue to allow us to park on the north half of the lot (closest to Main Street). Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! 

Prayers and Praises: Week of December 4, 2022

  Prayers Please be in prayer this week for:   Jane Coate, Joe Horton, Jim Kennedy, Yvonne Hiett, Joshua Ayres (Learning Center student), Tommy Sallee (our fill-in security guard who needs continued prayers for healing), Justine Kaneris (worked with "Seasons"), Libby and Ralph Stewart, Wade Rudolph, Nicole Williamson (Greg and Denice Williamson's daughter-in-law), Rayna & Joey Williamson, Kim Smith (Kitty Boaz's daughter), Melanie Cobb (Steve and Diane Miner's daughter), Leo Adames, and Dick Pryor. Please continue to pray for: Don Atkins, Don Beck, Jay Bowland, Bessie Costanza, Lew Metts, the FPC Christian Ed Program, as well as those in Rwanda and South Sudan, and all those affected by Covid-19. Remember all the families of La Gonave during this season of peace. The children of Bois Brûlée have had little to eat because the authorities will not allow food to leave the dock, and civil unrest in Haiti is taking a toll on th...

FPC Preschool and Learning Center Hosting a Scholastic Book Fair in December

The FPC Preschool and Learning Center are hosting a Scholastic Book Fair in the Chapel on Dec. 8-9 and Dec. 11-14 . All are welcome to come and shop! The hours will be: Thurs, Dec. 8: 8am - 9:15am; 11:30am - 12:30pm; 1:45pm - 2:30pm Fri, Dec. 9: 9am - 9:30am; 12pm - 12:30pm Sun, Dec. 11: 11am - 12pm Mon, Dec. 12: 8am - 9:15am; 11:30am - 12:30pm; 1:45pm - 2:30pm Tues, Dec. 13: 8am - 9:15am; 11:30am - 12:30pm; 1:45pm - 2:30pm Wed, Dec. 14: 8am - 9:15am; 11am - 2:30pm

Events: Week of December 4, 2022

Events this Week Second Sunday of Advent December 4 8:30 a.m.  Coffee House   (in Fellowship Hall) 9:00 a.m.   Conversations on the Front Porch (in the Chapel) Women's Friendship Sunday School Men's Brotherhood Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Choir Practice (in Sanctuary) 10:00 a.m.  Morning Worship Holy Communion Confirmation Class Children's Church 11:15 a.m. (or after worship) Service and Mission Committee Meeting (in Library) 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.   Faith and Fellowship Bible Study (at the Basham's House) 4:00 p.m. Youth Group   Angel Tree Shopping Monday, December 5 7:30 - 10:00 a.m. Coffee House (in Fellowship Hall) 4:30 p.m. Yoga (in Fellowship Hall) Tuesday, December 6 7:30 - 10:00 a.m. Coffee House (in Fellowship Hall) Wednesday, December 7 7:30 - 10:30 a.m. Coffee House (in Fellowship Hall) 10:30 a.m.  Bible Study with Pastor Greg  Meet in the Library or Join Virtually ( Google Meet link ) 6:00 p.m.  Hand Bell...

Preschool and Learning Center's Christmas Open House

You're invited to the FPC Preschool and Learning Center's Christmas Open House on December 14 ! The Preschool opens at 11 am and the Learning Center at 12:30 pm. Join us in Fellowship Hall for treats, crafts, and Christmas cheer. Make sure you stop by the Book Fair and walk through our classrooms as we celebrate the holiday season. 

December Birthdays (2022)

I vy Prall Charlotte Graves Beth Glover Candy Schryver Deborah McNiel Dale Childers Janice Ledbetter Evan Duncan Tim Arrington  Charlie Keene Issac Wright Les Barnett Gene Black Kodi Kimmell Jay Bowland Frank Childers Jane Wallace Calen Kimmell Dorothy Havens David Lindsay Mary Kaylyn Posey-Primasing Benjamin Giles Sasha Dye Janice Traxler Brody Woodson  James McNiel Laura Towell Sabrina Prior  Morgan Adames Melanie Cobb Lucy Goad Matt Shaw Maggie McGrady-Sumonka

Help Us Pack Food Baskets for Our Neighbors on Dec. 17

Join us Saturday, December 17 at 10am in the Fellowship Hall to assemble food boxes.  The whole family, including children, can join in this mission project for our neighbors. After packing the boxes, we will deliver them to some seniors from the Crisis Call Center and families from Liberty Elementary School. Please let Sara Little know if you are able to deliver any extra boxes in addition to the ones you packed.    This year, we will be providing 40 boxes total.  If you would like to contribute additional food, please bring your donations to the Fellowship Hall by December 14 . We need: p eanut butter, c rackers, p asta, and c ereal. You may also give monetary donations for food. Thank you!!!