
Prayers and Praises (Week of April 3, 2022)

  Prayers Please be in prayer this week for:   Justine (who works with "Seasons"), Steve Hart (Mary Linn Sadler's brother), Jennifer Wallace (Learning Center teacher), Sallie Armstrong, Rayna & Joey Williamson, Ruby Jean McLeod's family, Kim Smith (Kitty Boaz's daughter), Melanie Cobb (Steve and Diane Miner's daughter), Leo Adames, Tom Presler, Dick Pryor, and all those affected by Covid-19. Please continue to pray for: Don Atkins, Florence Bailey, Don Beck, Jay and Diane Bowland, Bessie Costanza, Lew Metts, and Arch Shuler, the FPC Bicentennial and Capital Campaigns, the FPC Christian Ed Program, Seasons Respite Care, as well as those in LaGonave, Haiti, Rwanda, and South Sudan.  Praises We give praise for: Emma Feldman sharing her musical gifts with us last Sunday! Dwell Young Adult Ministries and volunteers showing up at APSU's "First Friday" event to meet students! A relaxing and enriching Wo men's Retreat at NaCoMe this pa st week!

Holy Week 2022 at First Presbyterian Church Clarksville

Please join us at FPC during Holy Week as we reflect on the life and sacrifices of Christ. We prepare our hearts and minds penitently in order to remember and celebrate Christ's resurrection on Easter! Palm Sunday  April 10th at 10:00 am  FPC Sanctuary (Second Sunday Lunch afterward in Fellowship Hall) Maundy Thursday Service April 14th at 6:00 pm FPC Fellowship Hall (Light supper provided) Good Friday Service April 15th at 7:00 pm Trinity Episcopal Sanctuary Easter Sunrise Service April 17th at 6:00 am with FPC and Trinity Episcopal (At Clarksville Downtown Commons) Easter Service April 17th at 10:00 am FPC Sanctuary

Thank You and Well Wishes to Marcie O'Neal

Thank you to  Marcie O'Ne al  for her years of service to First Presbyterian  Ch urch! It is with great sadness that we will say good-bye to her this month as she p repares to move.   Many may not realize all of the important work Marcie does for the church. She has been instrumental in starting and promoting "Seasons"--a program fo r adults with special needs. She works with Seasons' clients every week. She also put together the Policies and Procedures  Manual . This resource helps those who step into a new position at FPC or who want to learn about our committee operations. Additionally, Marcie helps to run the office during the week, create Sunday bulletins, get out the newsletter to shut-ins, and assist in the nursery during worship. All of her efforts have been invaluable to our congregation. Marcie, we will miss you dearly but wish you well in your new endeavors!

Second Sunday Lunch on April 10

You are invited to   Second Sunday Lunch on April 10 (also Palm Sunday) ! Right after the 10:00 worship service. Dine in or take out options available. We plan on making Mexican food - can't wait!  🌮

Youth and Elementary Night at the AOC

We are so excited about the opportunity to have ALL of the Youth and Elementary kids able to meet on the SAME night at the SAME time! WHEN : Sunday, April 3 from 4-6pm WHERE : Meet at the AOC and we will go to the gym or the Commons, depending on the w eather. Pick up and drop off will be at the main AOC entrance. WHO :  ALL Elementary and Youth students. We would love for them to bring a friend. WHAT :  MS and HS kids will spend the time planning for Youth Sunday. K-5 kids will enjoy activities, games, and snacks together. There might be some water balloons involved.   Parents of K-12 are welcome and encouraged to stay and get ‘reacquainted’ with each other! There are some great coffee shops and places to hang out downtown. If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer, please call or email Dianne York at 931-624-6274 or

Birthdays in April 2022

Happy Birthday! Bill Moser  Mark Banasiak  Paige Schoonover  Joyce Norris  Diane Miner  Kip Lindsay  Amy Loh Lee  Dodie Render  Danny McGregor  Dan Aiken  David Kanervo  Greg Williamson  Greg Glover  Leong Lee  David Goder  Jennie McNiel  Mary Beth Morgan  Linda Marchant 

First Thursday Art Walk - Feat. Amina Mosavi in the Chapel

Join us this Thursday for " First Thursday Art Walk "! First Presbyterian Church is pleased to announce that we will be a part of the April Art Walk. This month, on  April 7th from 5 - 8 pm , we will feature artist Amina Mosavi. Come to the chapel to view her art.  Amina Mosavi is a student at Northampton Community College in Bethlehem, Penn., studying Fine Arts and graduating in May 2022. Mosavi emigrated to Bethlehem from Afghanistan with her husband and daughter five years ago. They moved to Clarksville in December 2021 to support her husband’s work in the US Army. In her final semester at NCC, which she is completing remotely, Mosavi is focusing on making paintings that highlight her love of fashion and celebrate Afghani arts and style. Once she receives her AA in Fine Arts, Mosavi intends to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Fashion Design.  Lets all come out Thursday night to support not only Amina but all the artists who show and sell their art in and around Clarksvill...

Reserve an Easter Lily in the Name of Your Loved One

Easter Memorial Lilies The church will purchase memorial lilies for our Easter Service on April 17. Names of those in memory of (or in honor of) along with donors will be listed in the Easter bulletin. All you need to do is donate to the FPC Memorial Fund and let the church office know your loved one’s name. The deadline to have names listed in the bulletin is 1:00 pm on Friday, April 8.