
Music Spotlight! (Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022)

The One and Done Choir will sing a special offertory song called "Transfigure Me" this Sunday. The songwriter himself plays and teaches us the melody in the video below. Christopher Grundy wrote the song about the Transfiguration story, but also about his friend "D," who was the first transgender person he ever really got to know. We hope you will join in singing this with us! Come to the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow, Feb. 27, to learn this with the One and Done Choir. 

Prayers and Praises (Week of Feb. 27, 2022)

  Prayers Please be in prayer this week for:   Charlotte Jolly, Rayna & Joey Williamson, the family of Bob Gandy, Ruby Jean McLeod, Kim Smith (Kitty Boaz's daughter), Melanie Cobb (Steve and Diane Miner's daughter), Vicki Duncan's mother and father, Leo Adames, Tom Presler, Dick Pryor, and all those affected by Covid-19. Please continue to pray for: Don Atkins, Florence Bailey, Don Beck, Jay and Diane Bowland, Melanie Cobb, Bessie Costanza, Vickie Duncan, Lew Metts, and Arch Shuler, the FPC Bicentennial and Capital Campaigns, the FPC Christian Ed Program, Seasons Respite Care, as well as those in LaGonave, Haiti, Rwanda, and South Sudan.  Praises We give prai se for: FPC's ability to provide a motel room for a hospice patient and several individuals who need shelter from the cold this week.

Get Involved: Events (Week of Feb. 27, 2022)

Sunday, February 27 9:00 a.m.   Women's Friendship Sunday School Class Men's Brotherhood Sunday School Class One and Done Choir Rehearsal (in Sanctuary) 10:00 a.m.  Morning Worship  Elementary Children's Sunday School During the Sermon in the Parlor Middle School Confirmation Class/Sunday School During the Sermon in the Library 2:00 p.m.  Shower Love (at Loaves & Fishes) Tuesday, March 1 7:00 p.m.  Night Circle Women's Bible Study (in Library) Wednesday, March 2 10:00 a.m.  Bible Study with Pastor Greg Meet in the Library or Join on   Zoom  (Meeting ID: 231 246 359; Passcode: 007472) 6:00 p.m.   Ash Wednesday Service (in Sanctuary) ***Bell Practice Cancelled*** 7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal

Learning Center & Preschool Updates (February 2022)

Fall 2022-2023 Student Registration is open!!! Preschool Registration begins: March 14 for church members March 21 for current PS and LC families March 28 for the public Learning   Center  Preregistration begins: Now for church members and students March 14 for the public Also, we are currently taking resumes for Preschool Coordinator, as well as teachers for the  Learning   Center . Submit a Letter of Intent and Resume to Dianne York at .

Church-Wide "Planning Day" on March 19

Come to PLANNING DAY 2022, Saturday, March 19 @ 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall to receive a brief report about initiatives under way and to help us plan every aspect of our life together this year!  All committees and teams of the church will gather 9:00am-noon (with lunch at 11:30am) to plan the church’s activities for 2022. This is a wonderful opportunity to check out an area of church life about which you have been curious, but into which you haven’t yet dipped your toe in the water to try. Please consider joining one of the committees on this day to “observe” as members evaluate the past year and begin to plan the ministries and events that will take place at First Presbyterian Church during the coming year. We want your input as well, so come with your thoughts and suggestions!

Memorials in February (2022)

We remember all those who have died before us at this time of year.  Bold font indicates those who have passed away; regular font indicates those who have requested the memorial.   Bob Gandy Hank Livingstone John & Mary Linn Sadler Vicki & Lew Wallace   Lucia Grimes Carter & Pam Briggs         Memorials received after February 27 will be on the Newsletter dated April 3.

Music Spotlight! (Sunday, Feb. 20, 2022)

Most of the texts we sing in worship are pretty straightforward -- poetic, but clear. The following text, sung to music during the offertory this Sunday, is a little bit confusing, to say the least! Keep reading to learn more about this interesting little piece... Our Father, whose creative Will  Asked Being for us all,  Confirm it that Thy Primal Love  May weave in us the freedom of  The actually deficient on  The justly actual.  Though written by Thy children with  A smudged and crooked line,  The Word is ever legible,  Thy Meaning unequivocal,  And for Thy Goodness even sin  Is valid as a sign.  Inflict Thy promises with each  Occasion of distress,  That from our incoherence we  May learn to put our trust in Thee,  And brutal fact persuade us  to  Adventure, Art, and Peace. The poem was written by W. H. Auden (1907 - 1973), a British American known for his detached, ironic tone. Auden " though...

Youth Group: March Is for NACOME!

Check out the whole season of youth group events below! Info for   NaCoMe   can be found   HERE   (early March trip) and   HERE   (late March trip). Please contact Emily Vaughn with any questions.