Status of Seasons Program: Inspections, ASL Classes, New Hires
Have you ever stood in a line that is just not moving?? That is where Seasons is right now. We can see the counter, but nobody is asking for the next customer! We are happy to announce we have hired a new intern assistant director Deanna Coleman. She is studying public health at APSU. We also have confirmed with Miss Betty that we will have ASL class on Mondays; Miss Barb and Miss Marybeth will be doing art and music on 3rd & 4th Wednesdays; And we have field trips lined up on Tuesdays and Thursdays! We have submitted our paperwork. We have passed the DHS and the fire Inspections. Unfortunately, the holidays have slowed down the process of receiving our certificate. As soon as we have the certificate, we will run background checks on employees and finish up required training. We hope to open later in January. We look forward to seeing old friends and new.