Bicentennial Christmas Ornaments -- ORDER NOW!

Presbyterian Women will be selling FPC Bicentennial Christmas Ornaments this fall!  These are a replica of the Rose window, hand-crafted by Rev. Jay Banasiak.  They are made from beautiful cherry wood and are 4” round.  The cost is $15 per ornament with the proceeds of the sale going to FPC’s Service Committee. 

Note:  At this time, we are only doing pre-orders, and your order is not complete until payment is received.  Please fill out the Google form provided below to initiate your order.  Someone will be in-person at worship on October 3, 10, and 17 to take payments or in-person orders.  You may pay by check (made payable to FPC) or exact cash (unfortunately, we will not have change).  All ornaments ordered by October 17 will be here before Christmas.

FPC Bicentennial Ornament Order Form - Google Forms

We appreciate your support of our Bicentennial and hope you enjoy these special ornaments for years to come!
