FUEL: A Local Mission Aiming to End Child Hunger in Our Community

FuelKids' Vision: To end child hunger in our community.

FUEL is a local mission which provides food to school children who might not otherwise have much to eat over the weekends. We bag this food and then Liberty Elementary School discreetly puts it in each child's backpack on Fridays. Our children and youth will be helping to bag up the food items this year.

If you would like to support this wonderful mission, you may include FUEL on the memo of your donation. Give Here. You may also provide food items. Just remember that these are going to small children who may not have adult support or kitchen resources. All items need to be wrapped as individual servings and openable without a tool (like a can opener, scissors, etc.). Assume the food will not be refrigerated or heated. Nutrition is also key, so focus on protein, fruit, and whole grains.

FUEL donation examples:
Milk in boxes (similar to juice boxes but with shelf stable milk)
Carnation Instant Breakfast Drinks (liquid)
Pudding (shelf stable)
Yogurtz (shelf stable)
Tuna packets
Beef jerky or sticks
Chef Boyardee
Beanie Weenie (pop top)
Fruit cups
Whole grain breakfast bars 
Granola bars
Oatmeal (in cups)
100% juice boxes
Peanut butter or cheese crackers
Mac and cheese cups

If you would like to learn more or have questions, please contact Sara Little or the church office. 
